Rebalance your Chi and restore yourself to your best self with a 1 Hour Anxiety, Depression & Insomnia Acupuncture session
Experience the numerous benefits and healing properties of Acupuncture from the expert team of trained professionals at Pro Acupuncture.
Practiced for over thousands of years and originating in China, Acupuncture is now known all over the world for its ability to treat a range of health conditions and imbalances in the body by harnessing the body's own resources by way of Acupuncture.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a practice where very thin needles are inserted into specific points on the body at various depths. This is based on Chinese Medicine theories like channels and collaterals, Zang-Fu theory, Yin-Yang theory, and Five Elements theory.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that acupuncture points lie on meridians where vital energy, called qi (pronounced "chi" and written as 氣), flows. Symptoms are thought to result from qi disorders, and acupuncture aims to regulate qi to relieve issues like pain, stress, and insomnia.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Traditional Chinese medicine says health comes from a balance of yin and yang, the life force known as qi. Qi flows through pathways called meridians, accessed via 361 acupuncture points. Illness is believed to stem from an imbalance in these forces, and inserting needles into specific points can restore balance.
How is Acupuncture Treatment Carried Out?
A session includes an examination, needle insertion, and self-care advice. During treatment, patients lie down, and single-use sterile needles are inserted, causing an initial sensation without pain. When the needle reaches the right depth, a deep aching feeling called Deqi occurs. Sometimes, needles are heated or electrically stimulated and remain in place for about twenty minutes.
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First time for me. I will come back.
Details were thoroughly explained. I felt very comfortable. Acupuncture is worthwhile giving it a go. Highly recommend Allen and the service that he provides. Thank you
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tessah5 from New Zealand wrote on 05 December 2024
I had acupuncture, cupping and managed to get a nap in. Best care I have had in Christchurch, highly recommend.